
It is the policy of Rainham Steel:

  • That our business is operated in an efficient, environmentally responsible manner and actively seek to continually improve our processes and lower CO2 emissions wherever possible.
  • That we regularly review our processes to ensure that all relevant legislation and local requirements are met.
  • That our fleet of HGVs is serviced to the highest standards ensuring that emissions are kept to a minimum.
  • That delivery routes are planned using the shortest possible routes, avoiding residential areas wherever possible.
  • That we employ the latest technology, such as vehicle tracking and engine monitoring systems, to improve efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
  • That the energy efficiency of our offices and production buildings are regularly reviewed and that every opportunity to reduce energy wastage will be explored. For example, the use of automatic lighting and intelligent air conditioning systems.
  • That environmental factors will be considered in the procurement of new equipment and technologies.
  • That waste products and scrap generated by our business processes are recycled.
  • That electronic systems are used instead of paper wherever possible.

This policy is continually reviewed as part of our management auditing process. If you have any queries relating to this policy, please phone 01708 558 211 and ask to speak to the quality manager.